by admin | May 30, 2023 | Asparagus, Grow Your Own, Vegetables
One of our favourite vegetables here at Tullamore Farm is Asparagus. We have quite a lot growing here and find them amazing compared to other vegetables. Why so special? They are perennial and once you have them established, they will crop yearly and live and...
by admin | May 30, 2023 | Fruit, Grow Your Own, Melons
Very early in Spring we start planting out all our summer vine crops ,including Watermelon, Rockmelons, Cucumbers, Squash and Zucchini. Being members of the Cucurbiteae family they require lots of space, plenty of water and good soil. We always try to get them in as...
by admin | May 2, 2023 | Potatoes, Vegetables
Potatoes are a welcome addition to any vegetable garden and they will do well in most parts of the South East Queensland. We have been growing them in the Kerry Valley now for about 6 years. We start planting them in early March, planting about every 3 weeks for...